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Disability Insurance Comparison

The table below lists the most common types of disability insurance in the State of California and provides some basic facts about each one, to help you get started.

type > SDI SSI SSDI private
full name > State Disability Insurance Supplemental Security Income Social Security Disability Insurance private disability insurance
administrator > State of California U. S. Federal government

not funded by Social Security taxes
U. S. Federal government

funded by Social Security taxes
private insurance company (Aetna, Allstate, Mutual of Omaha, State Farm, etc.)
agency > EDD (Employment Development Department) SSA (Social Security Administration) SSA (Social Security Administration) private insurance company
Web site > http://www.edd.ca.gov/
Web site of private insurance company
criteria >
You are employed at a job in California and a disability develops. You have less than $2000, have little or no income, and are disabled, blind, or over 65. You are permanently disabled and have worked (and paid Social Security taxes) for at least forty quarters, or ten years. Some who have not worked can also qualify. Apply after 6 months of having been disabled. You are employed at a job in California and a disability develops, and your company provides its employees with private disability insurance.
duration of coverage > no more than one year temporary or permanent temporary or permanent depends on details of insurance policy
accompanying medical insurance > none Medi-Cal Medicare (after a two-year waiting period) depends on details of insurance policy